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What is the PneuB2B ProfiData service?

In relation to the product SYSTEM ProfiData introduce an automated system of data support for tyre retailers, wholesalers and manufactures.

B2B ProfiData is a professional data structure of tyre and rim assortment. After accesing an online PneuB2B database you can not only extend the assortment on your website or information system, but also obtain the most current information on pricing and availability on the market.

Do you want to be a strong and long-term partner for your customers? Do you want to serve your customers quickly, reliably and efficiently in the widest possible assortment spectrum without the risk of excessive inventory?

Launch your own e-shop with our data

Easy and professional support of your selling point.
You can include your own stock and at the same time use the dynamic availability of the PneuB2B supplier background with more than 160.000 items.
We do not sell tyres. The specialization in the innovative information technologies, a long term development and our experience make it possible for us to provide the best quality guarantee, professional approach and consultancy in the data service field.

The possibilities of the ProfiData utilization

How to manage, update and extend the range of your information system or e-shop?
How to comprehensively evaluate the most appropriate and current price advantage in the required delivery date?
How to build a comprehensive range of web solutions including assortment, availability, price and a variety of singularities and automation on a turnkey basis?

Data packages:
ProfiData 1 includes PKW, MOTO, VAN, SUV, 4x4 AND STEEL RIMS

A comprehensive catalogue of all known assortment items containing all the information necessary for a catalogue. It represents an integration of assortment into your system.

Product _list.xml

Catalogue assortment of only those items that are available in PneuB2B - with all the parameters necessary for a catalogue with a Stock_Price_list.xml addition. It represents an assortment integration into your system.

Product_State - web service
Obtaining up-to-date information regarding stock availability and prices of all available tyres in the PneuB2B system.

Product_Status - web service
Obtaining up-to-date information about tyre availability and price of one actual item. BusinessAnalytika_B2B (in preparation)
Data package for wholesalers and tyre manufacturers. Useful for intelligent pricing in PneuB2B and B2B generally. This extended version enables to create prices in relation to the delivery speed, available goods quantity per item, price ranking etc. It includes statistic information for price analysis and item attractiveness evaluation.
*Limited to suppliers within the system (wholesalers and manufacturers).
Basic information on communication

The communication with the server is realized through http protocol.

Within the PneuB2B aplication a handler is provided: http://www.pneub2b.eu/PartnerCommunication.ashx onto which it is able to send requests to obtain data regarding assortment, pricing and stock availability of tyres. The whole communication protocol is built over the XML file format. Each operation returns for output the requested data or the XML file representing the result of the operation. Any operation can return this simple result instead of the expected data (e.g. in case of an error).

Each request in any communication (in all queries to the server) with the handler needs to be authenticated using the standard HTTP Basic access authentication.

For this XML communication a special licence is required that will be provided to you.

Discover the PneuB2B product usage now and for free.
We will reward you with CZK 2,000 bonus to your account (roughly 70 EUR) as a way of saying thank you for sharing your experience with other tyre vendors.