
Manage your orders simply inside SmartServis. Advanced itemized planning of orders for records, easy communication to the workshop and easy creation of a bill or sales document to the customer. Thanks to the connection with other modules, you will get a perfect overview.

Automatic creation of an order for an event

Creating a new event in the Calendar can also automatically create an order with customer details. Items are added dynamically according to the scope from the event, eg service work.

When placing an order with a deadline from the Catalog, the ordered items including sales prices are automatically created in the order.

You can also create the order separately, before the installation deadline.

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Linking PneuB2B portal orders with the contract

You enter the agreed price for the customer directly in PneuB2B, or you accept it according to the set margins.

After completing the order in PneuB2B, you simply pair it with the SmartServis order.

Smart addition of order items

You can easily add tires and rims to your order by searching by EAN, CAI or name.

You can of course create additional spare parts or other items manually.

You add services and work from your own code list, which you define in advance.

Monitoring expected goods on the way

A smart overview of expected goods facilitates the registration of goods to be taken over, whether they are goods ordered from the PneuB2B portal or from suppliers, e.g. car parts.

Automatic monitoring of conflicts between assembly dates and unprepared goods.

What can our orders do next?

Check for collisions of delivery and assembly dates
We will notify you if the delivery date conflicts with the installation date. You will know immediately about the canceled order of the expected goods.
Assembly sheet
You can print each job as an assembly sheet to guide your mechanics so they don't forget anything.
Order form
An order form with prices for the customer can also serve as a document.

Get your SmartServis

Choose from our offer the right combination that suits you best. At the same time, you will find out the prices of individual tools here.

They work best together with other modules


We develop all tools ourselves. We focus on new trends. We provide our customers with comprehensive solutions in the most up-to-date form.
More about Calendar

Catalog of tires and wheels

An easy way to get tire prices on your website, easily including your warehouse, which we will display first. With the Catalog it really is a piece of cake.
More about Catalog

QR storages

Speed ​​up the work of your people - reception, administration, stocking per position, inventory, removal, registration of positions. Everything quickly, from a mobile phone or tablet.
More about Storages

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